Where Did All The Time Go?

Just a whole lotta links this time around. Didn’t have a chance to really dig into any of them to provide any kind of commentary or thoughts or opinions. Some good state-of-ai think pieces here, a handful of potential learning projects and some AWS cloud related articles this time around, that I definately want to dig into some more. Table of Contents AI and Machine Learning Preliminary Notes on the Delvish Dialect, by Bruce Sterling | by Bruce Sterling | Jul, 2024 | Medium us-state-of-gen-ai-report-q2 FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision | Tri Dao The AI summer — Benedict Evans AI Conundrums – tecosystems Prompt engineering techniques and best practices: Learn by doing with Anthropic’s Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock | AWS Machine Learning Blog Superintelligence—10 years later - by Conrad Gray [2402. [Read More]
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Born on the 4th of July

As in this post was born on the 4th of July. Nothing more than that. Just a dumb title to a silly link post for the holiday. I actually had a chance to read through and have thoughts on some of these articles, there’s that as well. Enjoy. Table of Contents Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning The Five Stages Of AI Grief - NOEMA RouteLLM: An Open-Source Framework for Cost-Effective LLM Routing | LMSYS Org AI Patterns – tecosystems Development and Programming Meet Verba 1. [Read More]