Dog Days of Summer, What Does It Mean?

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, the phrase originated in ancient Roman times. The Romans noticed that the star they called Sirius, the Dog Star, was in conjunction with the sun in late July. They believed the Dog Star’s brightness made things hotter on Earth during the late summer months. So, they named this period diēs caniculārēs, or “days of the dog star,” which was later shortened to “dog days." - As quoted from Saturday 17-Aug-2024 Morning Brew Newsletter, who apparently got it from the Farmers’ Almanac [Read More]
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Adventures in Hugo-land

Or How to Spend Your Holiday Break Learning About Hugo and Deploying Your First Site

Are you bored of the same old Christmas traditions? Do you want to spice up your holiday season with some geeky fun? If so, you might want to try learning about Hugo and creating and deploying your first Hugo site to GitHub Pages! In this blog post, I will show you how to set up Hugo on your computer, create a new site, add some content, and deploy it to GitHub Pages. [Read More]