Where Did All The Time Go?

Just a whole lotta links this time around. Didn’t have a chance to really dig into any of them to provide any kind of commentary or thoughts or opinions. Some good state-of-ai think pieces here, a handful of potential learning projects and some AWS cloud related articles this time around, that I definately want to dig into some more. Table of Contents AI and Machine Learning Preliminary Notes on the Delvish Dialect, by Bruce Sterling | by Bruce Sterling | Jul, 2024 | Medium us-state-of-gen-ai-report-q2 FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision | Tri Dao The AI summer — Benedict Evans AI Conundrums – tecosystems Prompt engineering techniques and best practices: Learn by doing with Anthropic’s Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock | AWS Machine Learning Blog Superintelligence—10 years later - by Conrad Gray [2402. [Read More]
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Lucky To Make It Once A Month

Wow. So it’s be another long while, since I got around to creating another post. This one is another link list, based what has caught my eye over the last month. Can’t say I have read them all, but good list to come back to as time permits. Something I did decide to do based on having all of these articles, was to create a python script that would interact with the Omnivore API (the application I use to grab links and content I want to read later) to grab all the articles I have saved and send all of those to openAI to create a summary and suggest some tags. [Read More]