Where Did All The Time Go?

Just a whole lotta links this time around. Didn’t have a chance to really dig into any of them to provide any kind of commentary or thoughts or opinions. Some good state-of-ai think pieces here, a handful of potential learning projects and some AWS cloud related articles this time around, that I definately want to dig into some more.

Table of Contents

AI and Machine Learning

Category Tags: #agi, #ai, #ai-agents, #ai-governance, #ai-optimization, #ai-reliability, #ai-security, #ai-toolkit, #anthropic, #automation, #aws, #building-trust, #business-transformation, #claude, #cloud, #cloud-computing, #crewAI, #data-science, #data-security, #deep-learning, #deepmind, #deepnote, #developer-experience, #eigenvalues, #ethica-ai, #ethical-ai, #evolving-workforce, #feature-engineering, #gcp, #generative-ai, #github, #gpt-4, #information-retrieval, #langchain, #language-model, #linear-algebra, #llama, #llm, #machine-learning, #matrices, #meta, #model-optimization, #model-training, #models, #multi-agent-systems, #multimodal-learning, #neural-networks, #nlp, #ollama, #open-source, #openai, #optimization, #productivity-improvement, #projects, #prompt-engineering, #python, #rag, #recommendation-systems, #research, #research-paper, #responsible-ai, #retrieval-augmented-generation, #scaling-ai, #technology-management, #training-data, #value-creation, #vector-space, #visual-studio-code, #windows-11

Preliminary Notes on the Delvish Dialect, by Bruce Sterling | by Bruce Sterling | Jul, 2024 | Medium

Tags: #llm, #machine-learning, #deep-learning, #ai, #generative-ai, #ethical-ai, #python, #nlp, #openai, #rag

Site Name: Medium

Omnivore Description: How do Large Language Models manage such astounding stylistic feats? It’s because they don’t “write,” they “generate.” Also, the human owners/managers of Large Language Models have extensively…

ChatGPT Summary: The article “Preliminary Notes on the Delvish Dialect” by Bruce Sterling explores the emergence of a new dialect called “Delvish,” which is produced by Large Language Models (LLMs). Delvish is a complex, high-tech form of communication with a human-like appearance but is inherently different, stemming from statistical relationships between tokens rather than actual words written by people. The article details the challenges and ethical concerns this AI-generated language presents, including issues of authenticity, misuse, and the potential for widespread, undetectable machine-generated content.


Tags: #ai, #generative-ai, #value-creation, #scaling-ai, #building-trust, #evolving-workforce, #data-security, #technology-management, #business-transformation, #productivity-improvement

Site Name: None

Omnivore Description: None

ChatGPT Summary: Deloitte’s Q2 2024 report on Generative AI reveals that while excitement about the technology is high, organizations face challenges such as trust, workforce evolution, and scaling up operations to fully realize its value. Surveying nearly 2,000 business leaders globally, the report highlights that companies are increasingly expecting tangible results from their AI investments, with the key barriers to scaling being data quality, security concerns, and worker mistrust or lack of generative AI understanding. To address these challenges, Deloitte suggests organizations focus on building trust through transparency and governance, improving AI fluency within their workforces, and prioritizing innovation and growth over mere efficiency improvements.

FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision | Tri Dao

Tags: #ai, #machine-learning, #deep-learning, #llm, #nlp, #gpt-4, #gcp, #python, #data-science, #cloud-computing

Site Name: tridao.me

Omnivore Description: Homepage of Tri Dao. # A simple, whitespace theme for academics. Based on *folio design.

ChatGPT Summary: FlashAttention-3 significantly enhances the efficiency of the attention mechanism in Transformers on Hopper GPUs by utilizing hardware features like WGMMA, TMA, and FP8, resulting in performance improvements up to 1.5-2.0x over FlashAttention-2. It achieves up to 75% of the theoretical maximum FLOPS on H100 GPUs with FP16 and nearly 1.2 PFLOPS with FP8, while maintaining lower error rates, benefiting large language models in terms of speed and context processing. By overlapping computation and data transfer tasks and by leveraging incoherent processing techniques, FlashAttention-3 optimizes both GEMM and softmax operations, further reducing memory usage and computational time.

The AI summer — Benedict Evans

Tags: #ai, #ai-security, #automation, #generative-ai, #gpt-4, #llm, #machine-learning, #nlp, #openai, #projects

Site Name: Benedict Evans

Omnivore Description: Hundreds of millions of people have tried ChatGPT, but most of them haven’t been back. Every big company has done a pilot, but far fewer are in deployment. Some of this is just a matter of time. But LLMs might also be a trap: they look like products and they look magic, but they aren’t. Maybe we ha

ChatGPT Summary: The rapid adoption of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies has seen impressive initial engagement but limited sustained use and real-world deployment. While many users and enterprises have experimented with these AI tools, the challenge remains to find practical, everyday applications that integrate seamlessly into workflows, a process that historically takes significant time, as seen with past innovations like the iPhone and cloud computing. Consequently, despite the excitement and significant investment in AI, there is still a crucial, ongoing period of refining product-market fit before these technologies can achieve their transformative potential in both consumer and enterprise sectors.

AI Conundrums – tecosystems

Tags: #ai, #ai-governance, #ai-optimization, #ai-reliability, #ai-security, #cloud, #deep-learning, #generative-ai, #open-source, #training-data

Site Name: tecosystems

Omnivore Description: As the industry’s various AI markets continue their trundling paths towards maturity, not to mention the trough of disillusionment and the attendant and growing AI exhaustion, patterns have continued to unfold as has been discussed previously. The end game of many of these is and has been clear from the start. As but one example,

ChatGPT Summary: As AI technology matures, enterprises tend to favor smaller, cost-effective models over larger, expansive ones due to concerns about costs, data security, and specific application needs. AI gateways, emerging as intermediaries between users and AI endpoints, promise a unified interface for accessing various AI models while enhancing performance and compliance but face resistance from model vendors wary of commoditization. The OSI’s efforts to define open-source AI are challenged by the complexities of including training data, legal considerations, and ensuring practicality, risking either a strict definition that few can meet or potential abandonment of the open-source label.

Prompt engineering techniques and best practices: Learn by doing with Anthropic’s Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock | AWS Machine Learning Blog

Tags: #anthropic, #aws, #claude, #prompt-engineering, #generative-ai, #llm, #machine-learning, #nlp, #cloud-computing, #ai-optimization

Site Name: Amazon Web Services

Omnivore Description: You have likely already had the opportunity to interact with generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools (such as virtual assistants and chatbot applications) and noticed that you don’t always get the answer you are looking for, and that achieving it may not be straightforward. Large language models (LLMs), the models behind the generative AI revolution, receive […]

ChatGPT Summary: The article from AWS Machine Learning Blog discusses the importance of prompt engineering in ensuring the quality of responses generated by Large Language Models (LLMs), emphasizing that well-crafted prompts lead to better outcomes. It introduces Amazon Bedrock’s tools and the state-of-the-art Claude 3 family from Anthropic, showing how to build effective prompts for text-only and image-based tasks, and outlining best practices such as using clear task descriptions, XML tags, and persona definitions. Additionally, it provides detailed examples of prompt components and practices for achieving high-quality outputs in various applications, such as information extraction and retrieval augmented generation.

Superintelligence—10 years later - by Conrad Gray

Tags: #ai, #ai-governance, #ai-reliability, #ai-security, #agi, #anthropic, #automation, #gpt-4, #machine-learning, #responsible-ai

Site Name: Humanity Redefined

Omnivore Description: 10 years on, some things have changed and some did not

ChatGPT Summary: Over the past decade, AI technology has significantly evolved, with critical milestones such as the release of ChatGPT bringing AI into mainstream awareness and highlighting its profound societal impacts. Nick Bostrom’s book Superintelligence, published in 2014, initiated important discussions on AI safety and ethics, which have only grown more pertinent today as countries and corporations race towards developing AGI. Despite criticisms and differing perspectives on AI risks, the urgency to address AI safety and alignment challenges remains paramount as we edge closer to potentially superintelligent systems.

[2402.14905] MobileLLM: Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases

Tags: #llm, #meta, #research-paper, #machine-learning, #deep-learning, #generative-ai, #gpt-4, #cloud, #cloud-computing, #ai-optimization

Site Name: arXiv.org

Omnivore Description: This paper addresses the growing need for efficient large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices, driven by increasing cloud costs and latency concerns. We focus on designing top-quality LLMs…

ChatGPT Summary: The paper focuses on developing efficient large language models (LLMs) for mobile devices, aiming to address cloud costs and latency concerns by designing models with fewer than one billion parameters. The authors present MobileLLM and MobileLLM-LS, models that leverage deep and thin architectures, embedding sharing, and grouped-query attention mechanisms, achieving significant accuracy improvements over existing sub-billion scale models. Moreover, the MobileLLM models exhibit strong performance in chat benchmarks and demonstrate correctness comparable to much larger models like LLaMA-v2 7B in API calling tasks, underscoring their utility for on-device applications.


Tags: #ai, #deepmind, #research-paper, #deep-learning, #machine-learning, #data-science, #model-optimization, #model-training, #multimodal-learning, #neural-networks

Site Name: None

Omnivore Description: None

ChatGPT Summary: The article presents a new method called Joint Example Selection for Training (JEST), which enhances multimodal learning by selecting entire batches of data that are jointly learnable, rather than independent examples. This approach leverages multimodal contrastive objectives to reveal dependencies between data, utilizing a predefined simple and tractable algorithm that accelerates training by strategically selecting high-quality data. The study demonstrates that JEST, particularly when combined with efficient scoring techniques and model approximations (Flexi-JEST), significantly boosts performance, requiring up to 13 times fewer iterations and 10 times less computation, surpassing state-of-the-art models by bootstrapping from smaller curated datasets.

Linear Algebra Concepts Every Data Scientist Should Know | by Benedict Neo | bitgrit Data Science Publication | Jun, 2024 | Medium

Tags: #data-science, #machine-learning, #linear-algebra, #optimization, #feature-engineering, #recommendation-systems, #deepnote, #matrices, #vector-space, #eigenvalues

Site Name: bitgrit Data Science Publication

Omnivore Description: Vector ∘ Unit vector Vector operations ∘ Vector addition ∘ Scalar multiplication ∘ Dot product Vector space ∘ Null space (kernel) ∘ Span ∘ Basis ∘ Linear Independence Matrix ∘ Matrices as…

ChatGPT Summary: Linear algebra is fundamental to data science and machine learning, providing the language and principles necessary for data representation, dimensionality reduction, optimization, feature engineering, and similarity measures. Key concepts in linear algebra include vectors, vector operations (addition, scalar multiplication, dot product), vector spaces, matrices (inverse, singular, identity, diagonal, orthogonal), matrix multiplication, trace, determinant, rank, and eigenvectors/eigenvalues. Understanding these concepts allows one to transform, manipulate, and analyze data efficiently, facilitating the development and implementation of sophisticated machine learning algorithms and models.

Multi AI Agent Systems 101. Automating Routine Tasks in Data Source… | by Mariya Mansurova | Jun, 2024 | Towards Data Science

Tags: #ai-agents, #llm, #rag, #multi-agent-systems, #automation, #data-science, #deep-learning, #langchain, #crewAI, #openai

Site Name: Towards Data Science

Omnivore Description: Initially, when ChatGPT just appeared, we used simple prompts to get answers to our questions. Then, we encountered issues with hallucinations and began using RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) to…

ChatGPT Summary: The article demonstrates how CrewAI can automate routine tasks in data source management using an evolving multi-agent system. Initially addressing issues like hallucinations in AI responses, the article progresses from individual AI agents to a collaborative team of specialized agents that can work on documentation and answer related questions with high accuracy. Despite some limitations with local models and customizability, CrewAI is found to be a highly useful framework for building robust multi-agent solutions, illustrating this through practical examples of agents handling SQL database queries, writing documentation, and providing customer support.

How To Run Llama 3 In Visual Studio Code — A Step-By-Step Guide | by Jim Clyde Monge | Generative AI

Tags: #llama, #llm, #projects, #visual-studio-code, #meta, #open-source, #language-model, #ollama, #windows-11, #ai

Site Name: Generative AI

Omnivore Description: Meta released the most capable open-source language model, Llama 3, yesterday. Because it is open-source, you can download the model weights and run them locally on your own machine. I know, I know…

ChatGPT Summary: Meta recently released Llama 3, the most powerful open-source language model available, which can be downloaded and run locally on your own machine. The article provides a step-by-step guide for running Llama 3 on a typical laptop, specifying that a high-end GPU is not necessary; instead, a decent CPU and sufficient RAM will do. Key steps include downloading and installing Ollama, a tool designed to run and create models easily on local machines.

Gradually, then Suddenly: Upon the Threshold

Tags: #ai, #ai-optimization, #ai-reliability, #ai-security, #automation, #claude, #gpt-4, #deep-learning, #ethica-ai, #data-science

Site Name: One Useful Thing

Omnivore Description: Small improvements can lead to big changes

ChatGPT Summary: Technological improvements often lead to significant changes when certain capability thresholds are crossed, as illustrated by advancements in digital cameras and AI tools. These thresholds, rather than steady incremental improvements, drive rapid and transformative shifts in markets and applications. The article emphasizes how recent developments in AI, such as improved GPT models and new visual and video generation capabilities, demonstrate the importance of recognizing and leveraging these pivotal moments of technological advancement.

GitHub - karpathy/LLM101n: LLM101n: Let’s build a Storyteller

Tags: #github, #llm, #projects, #ai, #generative-ai, #deep-learning, #python, #cloud-computing, #cloud, #developer-experience

Site Name: GitHub

Omnivore Description: LLM101n: Let’s build a Storyteller. Contribute to karpathy/LLM101n development by creating an account on GitHub.

ChatGPT Summary: The article introduces a comprehensive course designed to build a Storyteller AI Large Language Model (LLM) from scratch, covering everything from the basics to a fully functional web app using Python, C, and CUDA with minimal prerequisites. The syllabus lists 17 chapters, each focusing on different aspects of AI, LLMs, and deep learning, including language modeling, machine learning, attention mechanisms, optimization, and deployment, alongside an extensive appendix on various related topics. While the course promises a thorough understanding of AI and deep learning, it emphasizes there is no specific timeline for its completion and requests not to submit issues or pull requests.

Meet Verba 1.0: Run State-of-the-Art RAG Locally with Ollama Integration and Open Source Models - MarkTechPost

Tags: #rag, #llm, #github, #projects, #retrieval-augmented-generation, #ai, #information-retrieval, #research, #ai-toolkit, #models

Site Name: MarkTechPost

Omnivore Description: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a cutting-edge technique in artificial intelligence that combines the strengths of retrieval-based approaches with generative models. This integration allows for creating high-quality, contextually relevant responses by leveraging vast datasets. RAG has significantly improved the performance of virtual assistants, chatbots, and information retrieval systems by ensuring that generated responses are accurate and contextually appropriate. The synergy of retrieval and generation enhances the user experience by providing detailed and specific information. One of the primary challenges in AI is delivering precise and contextually relevant information from extensive datasets. Traditional methods often need help maintaining the necessary context, leading

ChatGPT Summary: Verba 1.0, developed by Weaviate, is a tool that integrates retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques to enhance the accuracy and contextual relevance of AI-generated responses. This tool leverages various models, including those from Ollama, HuggingFace, Cohere, Google, and OpenAI, allowing it to handle diverse data formats like PDFs and CSVs. Verba 1.0’s hybrid search and semantic caching capabilities significantly improve query precision and response accuracy, making it a valuable asset for various AI applications.

Cloud Computing and Security

Category Tags: #access-management, #amazon-s3, #amazon-ses, #automation, #aws, #aws-s3, #aws-whoami, #bastion-host, #cli, #cloud, #cloud-computing, #cyber-security, #data-access, #data-integration, #dev-ops, #developer-experience, #docker, #ec2, #email-forwarding, #enterprise-architecture, #ethical-ai, #github, #github-actions, #go, #iam, #identity-and-access-management, #identity-management, #json, #lambda, #lambda-function, #linux, #machine-learning, #projects, #python, #responsible-ai, #security, #serverless-computing, #session-manager, #single-sign-on, #terraform, #vpc

Strategies for achieving least privilege at scale – Part 2 | AWS Security Blog

Tags: #aws, #cyber-security, #cloud-computing, #security, #developer-experience, #python, #automation, #ethical-ai, #responsible-ai, #projects

Site Name: Amazon Web Services

Omnivore Description: In this post, we continue with our recommendations for achieving least privilege at scale with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). In Part 1 of this two-part series, we described the first five of nine strategies for implementing least privilege in IAM at scale. We also looked at a few mental models that can assist […]

ChatGPT Summary: The article continues its discussion on achieving least privilege in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), focusing on empowering developers, maintaining well-written policies, peer reviews, and gradually removing excess privileges. It highlights the importance of equipping developers with IAM policy authoring skills, using permission boundaries and IAM Access Analyzer, and maintaining policy templates to avoid duplication of efforts. The article also emphasizes the role of automated tools, feedback loops, and prioritization in refining permissions over time to maintain least privilege effectively.

Strategies for achieving least privilege at scale – Part 1 | AWS Security Blog

Tags: #aws, #security, #cloud, #cloud-computing, #dev-ops, #enterprise-architecture, #automation, #developer-experience, #machine-learning, #identity-and-access-management

Site Name: Amazon Web Services

Omnivore Description: Least privilege is an important security topic for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. In previous blog posts, we’ve provided tactical advice on how to write least privilege policies, which we would encourage you to review. You might feel comfortable writing a few least privilege policies for yourself, but to scale this up to thousands of […]

ChatGPT Summary: The AWS Security Blog emphasizes the importance of implementing least privilege principles for AWS environments to enhance security. It introduces a series of blog posts that outline nine strategies to scale least privilege across organizations, with Part 1 discussing the first five strategies: starting with coarse-grained controls, using accounts as strong boundaries, prioritizing short-term credentials, enforcing broad security invariants, and identifying the right tools for the job. The article also provides detailed guidance and examples for implementing each strategy effectively to balance security needs and operational flexibility.

secured-bastion-host-terraform/README.md at main · aws-samples/secured-bastion-host-terraform · GitHub

Tags: #aws, #ec2, #bastion-host, #iam, #session-manager, #terraform, #vpc, #security, #linux, #cloud-computing

Site Name: github.com

Omnivore Description: A bastion host, sometimes called “jump box”, is a server which provides a single point access from an external network to the resources located in a private network. A server exposed to the external public network (ex. Internet) poses a potential security risk of an unauthorized access. Special attention needs to be put on securing and controlling access to such server.

ChatGPT Summary: The article explains how to securely access an Amazon EC2 bastion host using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager in combination with Amazon EC2 Instance Connect. By employing this method, the bastion host can operate without open inbound ports, reducing its attack surface and eliminating the need for storing long-term SSH keys. Instead, users generate fresh SSH keys for each session, with access tightly controlled via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.

Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation | AWS Security Blog

Tags: #aws, #security, #single-sign-on, #identity-management, #cli, #data-access, #cloud-computing, #data-integration, #access-management, #amazon-s3

Site Name: Amazon Web Services

Omnivore Description: With the introduction of trusted identity propagation, applications can now propagate a user’s workforce identity from their identity provider (IdP) to applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and to storage services backing those applications, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or AWS Glue. Since access to applications and data can now be […]

ChatGPT Summary: The article introduces a CLI application that allows users to access AWS services using their workforce identity from identity providers like Okta and Microsoft Entra ID, leveraging trusted identity propagation to streamline access without needing AWS IAM credentials. It explains the architectural flow of token exchanges between the identity provider, IAM Identity Center, and AWS services, providing detailed steps for setting up the necessary components in Okta and IAM Identity Center, configuring the CLI, and deploying the required IAM roles through AWS CloudFormation. The walkthrough demonstrates how users can interact programmatically with AWS services like Amazon S3, Athena, and Lake Formation using the CLI, ensuring secure and seamless access with automatic token and credential management.

bullfrog/README.md at main · bullfrogsec/bullfrog · GitHub

Tags: #github, #github-actions, #security, #cloud-computing, #cloud, #automation, #aws, #docker, #developer-experience

Site Name: GitHub

Omnivore Description: Github Action for securing your Github workflows using egress policies - bullfrogsec/bullfrog

ChatGPT Summary: Bullfrog enhances the security of GitHub Actions workflows by allowing users to control outbound network connections through a definable list of allowed IPs and domains. Users can run Bullfrog in audit mode to track outbound connections without blocking them or enforce stricter controls by using the block policy. The tool must be the first step in every job to monitor and block connections effectively, and it supports only GitHub-hosted runners on Ubuntu.

aws-whoami-golang/README.md at main · benkehoe/aws-whoami-golang · GitHub

Tags: #aws, #github, #aws-whoami, #go, #cloud-computing, #cli, #developer-experience, #json, #security, #iam

Site Name: GitHub

Omnivore Description: A tool to show what AWS account and identity you’re using. - benkehoe/aws-whoami-golang

ChatGPT Summary: The aws-whoami tool provides a clearer and more comprehensive way to identify the current AWS account, region, and user details, improving on the basic aws sts get-caller-identity command by including additional information such as account alias and role session name. It requires installation via Go or downloading the latest release, and can output data in JSON format or disable account alias checks if necessary. Users can also create a command alias in the AWS CLI to simplify running the aws-whoami command.

Forward Incoming Email to an External Destination | AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Tags: #aws, #amazon-ses, #lambda, #cloud-computing, #cloud, #aws-s3, #iam, #serverless-computing, #email-forwarding, #lambda-function

Site Name: Amazon Web Services

Omnivore Description: Note: This post was written by Vesselin Tzvetkov, an AWS Senior Security Architect, and by Rostislav Markov, an AWS Senior Engagement Manager. Amazon SES has included support for incoming email for several years now. However, some customers have told us that they need a solution for forwarding inbound emails to domains that aren’t managed by […]

ChatGPT Summary: The article provides a detailed guide on how to use Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES), Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda to forward inbound emails to external email addresses, even those not managed by Amazon SES. The process involves configuring Amazon SES to save incoming emails to an S3 bucket, triggering a Lambda function to retrieve the email and forward it to the desired external address, with considerations for setup steps, IAM roles, and email receipt rules. Costs for using this solution are minimal and include small charges for Amazon SES, S3 storage, and Lambda usage, likely qualifying for the AWS Free Usage Tier.

access-management  agi  ai  ai-agents  ai-cloud  ai-governance  ai-in-biomedicine  ai-optimization  ai-reliability  ai-security  ai-toolkit  amazon-s3  amazon-ses  anthropic  automation  aws  aws-s3  aws-whoami  azure  bastion-host  biomedical-sciences  biotech-innovation  books  breakthroughs  building-trust  business-transformation  career-advice  cicd  claude  cli  clinical-trials  cloud  cloud-computing  cost-tracking  crewAI  critical-thinking  cyber-security  data-access  data-integration  data-science  data-security  declarative-configuration  deep-learning  deepmind  deepnote  default-tags  dev-ops  developer-experience  docker  ec2  ec2-tagging  education  eigenvalues  email-forwarding  enterprise-architecture  ethica-ai  ethical-ai  evolving-workforce  exemplars  experimental-biology  feature-engineering  few-shot  gcp  gene-therapy  generative-ai  genomics  github  github-actions  github-repo  go  goodreads  gpt-4  healthcare-advancements  human-nature  iac  iam  identity-and-access-management  identity-management  information-retrieval  journaling-prompts  json  knowledge  knowledge-graphs  knowledge-management  lambda  lambda-function  langchain  language-model  learning  life-changing  linear-algebra  linux  llama  llm  machine-learning  matrices  mental-models  meta  model-optimization  model-training  models  multi-agent-systems  multimodal-learning  neural-networks  newsletter  nlp  note-taking  obsidian  ollama  omnics  open-source  openai  optimization 

See also